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Whimsical Wish Wagon, Henderson, NV

Wish Wagon and Penelope Pendragon

details: Penelope Pendragon and the Whimsical WiSH Wagon

Faery Habitat - Town Center

credits: Valerie Poteete

details: The Faery Habitat is made with 93.3% reclaimed materials.

Penelope Pendragon, the Wishing Faery

details: Penelope Pendragon has an infectious energy and stunning smile.

Penelope Pendragon and the Whimsical Wish Wagon

credits: Bill Bungard

details: Penelope Pendragon shows you what to do so your BEST WiSHes can come true!

Beautiful Bubble Show

credits: Valerie Poteete

details: Penelope catches a bubble during her show.

Penelope Performance

credits: Valerie Poteete

details: Help three people EVERY DAY... even if you have to go out of your way! What would you do to help someone today?

The Wishing Portal

credits: Valerie Poteete

details: Whisper your WiSH into the WiSHing Portal

Magic Mirror Inside the Wish Wago

credits: Valerie Poteete

details: Tell the Magic Mirror three things you LOVE about YOU! (For some this is amazingly. hard to do.)