Today I add to my body wra ritual the Ultimate Profit advanced Superfood nutrition....the shake. I've experienced tightening & toning causing me to go down a size and loose 5 inches in my waist. I'm after weight loss too. my weight must decrease in pounds and then I will sac how've maximum results. I've spent time working with others I've only worked on tightening and toning. Yes I've lost weight but not as much as I would have if I actually put my plan together like I do my clients.
It became time for me to get healthy. As an aging woman, it just isn't healthy to carry fat around the middle or adding fat when you're body has been small and healthy. I first started using the body wrap ("That crazy wrap thing") because I woke up one morning and found my small framed body had become medium build, a bit out of shape and dimpled with cellulite. I woke up oneday and realized I had a large middle, butt, and my thighs were huge with dimples. Not a good look, not a good feel, not really healthy. I was introduced to "That Crazy Wrap Thing" and began working on my back fat. I realized I could wrap for free so I became a distributor. Let's just say, each time I use the product my body tightens, tones, and firms in just 45minutes. I'm on my way to healthy and I'm sharing that experience, that opportunity and my products with others. Ask me about my product and how you can start to jump start your metabolism.