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Alexa Kelly, Inverness, FL

Member Since: October 30, 2019
Festival biz experience: 5+ years
Inverness, Florida
I plan to sell my crafts and paintings to people who like anything to do with fantasy, sci-fi and costumes. This is my job. I commission some items for people and do other art during my days at home since I'm a creator. I work from home and I make it my business to sell to people who find the same things that I'm interested in amusing.

I am also a model and host at a friend's modeling business that works with models and volunteers. this business allows anyone that's out of Colorado to work with them. Most of the hosts are just volunteers. Quite a few others are models and they're either addicted to cosplay (form of art that involves wearing costumes - from the Japanese culture) or just really wanted to wear costumes from Halloween/theatre/renaissance while they work as a model. They allow people in Colorado as well and I believe there's a few people from the UK and Canada as well. I'm not entirely sure. But if you want to become a host for them and look up Yokubou Lounge - Court of Monsters - Host Club. We need your support!!

All merch sold by me now supports the host club in Oregon, Florida and Washington State.
Artist-Crafter, Artist, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Yarn, paint canvas, paper - Acrylic costume tails, paintings
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