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AlwaysFindSpareTime, Eagle, ID

Member Since: June 18, 2019
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
Eagle, Idaho

I am fiber artist passionately transforming wool and other fibers into wearable art, home decor, and personal treasures.

Wet felting involves the layout of wool fibers in a manner that supports the objective of the finished piece, water and olive oil soap are used to aid in the agitation of the fiber through rolling and rubbing to create a felt fabric. Next is the fulling process that takes the felt on a shrinking journey, gentle kneading, rubbing, and tossing to achieve to desired result. So much is in our control and yet the fibers also have a say in how it will turn out.
Nuno felting is a wet felting process that includes the use of silk material where the wool fiber is coaxed through the silk resulting in fine felt with many applications such as clothing.

Needle felting uses a barbed needle to work wool fibers together into felt structures, 2D and 3D images are only limited by your imagination.

A variety of embellishments make be incorporated during or after the process; Art yarn, beads, buttons, wire, other fabric, and structural pieces  

Wearable art: Scarf, wrap, vest, cowl, hat, neck warmer

Home decor: Wall art, table runner, pillow

Repurposed:  Vintage chairs with custom felted seat cushion, Felted piano bench cover, up-cycled vintage ceramics into pincushions or personal photo or message vessel 

3D: Gnomes, owls, birds, the list goes on...

Instagram @prbogdan

All of my work is created with kindness, passed onto you, in memory of my mom Dorothy.

Artist-Crafter, Wholesale Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Fine Felted wearable art, home decor, personal treasures / merino wool, silk fiber, viscose, bamboo, - #scarves #wraps, #hats #neckwarmer #statementpiece #tablerunner #finefelt #wallhanging #wearableart #fiberartist #wetfelting #nunofelting #needlefelting #idahoartist
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