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David Bryan Smith - Americas' Gentleman Hypnotist, Monroe, GA

10 reasons to hire Dave

posted December 15, 2009


If you’ve been looking for a hypnotist to make your next event Spectacular – David Bryan Smith – Americas Gentleman Hypnotist is the answer. Imagine your guests performing as comedy actors doing made up improv on the spot unleashing waves of laughter from everyone in the audience. David does a modern hypnosis show that is a cross between “Who’s Line is it Anyway” and “Americas Funniest Home videos” with a smidgin of “So you think you can Dance” thrown in.

10 reasons Why you should hire Dave over other entertainment even other hypnotists.
1- Dave’s show is clean and audience friendly.
Ever hired a band or DJ that played inappropriate music or said something inappropriate over the mic?
2- Dave’s show is self contained with sound system, wireless mics and remote music system so it’s turn key event.
Ever hire a group only to get the rider that included more staging and production than the budget allows or have to pay lodging and meals for a crew?
3- Dave’s show is funny and filled with appropriate humor. Dave is a naturally funny guy and loves stand up comedy.
Ever hire someone who seemed funny only to have them go off on a tangent or suggestive material?
4- Dave is a professional Stage Hypnotist and clinical hypnotherapist. He is well trained and trains other hypnotists on stagecraft, using humor, and being imaginative in presentations.
Why take a chance – Dave wrote the book on creative stage hypnosis routines called “101 creative routines for Stage Hypnotist” (catchy title huh!)
5- Dave travels nation wide.
If you want the best, we will travel to you.
6- Dave provides marketing materials.
If your event is for a college or University or is a fundraiser or if you just need to promote the event, Dave makes it easy with templates for posters, table tents, and ads plus Dave is available for press parties and radio and TV interviews. Dave wants to make your event a success.
Every have an event where no one came? How was your promotion?
7- Dave loves what he does and it shows in professionalism and attitude. Dave works for you and has a great attitude!
Ever get a pre-madona artist, one that must have everything their way or they can’t leave the world behind and take their troubles into their performance. A bad attitude can make a great starting event a chore for everyone involved.
8- Dave is constantly updating his show. Dave is so creative, he thinks of funny stuff all the time and integrates these great ideas into his shows so you can have Dave back year after year and have a fresh show.
Some acts go for years without updating their act or worse do old routines from decades ago that are no longer appropriate or funny. Hear any good Pinto Jokes lately, or Steve Irwin jokes.
9- Dave respects his guests onstage and does not lay them on top of each other or have them writhe on the dirty stage floor like gators or animals or frying bacon.
Many other hypnotist lay people on top of each other or worse lay them out on the dirty stage floor. Would you want to be the one who hires the hypnotist who lays out the CEO on the dirty stage floor or has them laying on top of other employees?
10- Dave is a Gentleman in all mann


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