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Angela Alec Art Store & Studio, Overland Park, KS

Member Since: April 22, 2018
Festival biz experience: 7+ years
Overland Park, Kansas
Hi, I am Angela Alec,
I was born in Eastern Asia, Uzbekistan where I've got my education. Later moved to Russia where continue my work and education.
Drawing and sketching is my lifelong passion. Art is fun for me, whether it's painting in my home or doodling on napkins in a restaurant.
On 2006 I moved to US, Kansas, now my home is here, my family here and I create my art in US. I am a happiest woman I ever met )) 
My Headline is - Art is not just crafted from the artist's hands, but from their heart, feelings, and imagination. Who are we to say that one form of expressing art is better than another? All art is unique and valuable in its own way.
Hope you enjoyed my art, It means a lot to me, same as to many artists I believe. 
I explore every tool, medium, technique, and style that I can get my hands on because truly great art is versatile and expressive.  
Artist, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Acrulic, mix media - Painting Textured Modern
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