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Aurora Botanicals USA, Roanoke, VA

Member Since: December 6, 2023
Festival biz experience: 11+ years
Roanoke, Virginia
I craft herbal teas, tinctures, salves, and oils for pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia, women's wellness and the immune system.   

The empowering experiences of learning to heal myself with lifestyle changes, organic foods and herbs have been potent teachers during my personal healing journey.  The life saving experience I had with three simple herbs was a permanent game changer.  There's no turning back now. 

Aurora Botanicals started with a neighbor's request for a pain relieving salve.  Actually, I needed too. After two weeks of using the salve, our wildly amazing results were convincing proof that this was extraordinarily special and worthy of exploring. After telling me she'd fired the physical therapist, ditched the opiates and was happily back at work, her question surprised and delighted me.  "How can I help you sell this salve?" she asked. 
I share this story with folks who arrive at my booth. They stand directly in front of the salve and inquire, "What do you have for pain?"  Offering them a loaded q-tip of it as I share my story, they park it on the areas that hurt, using every drop of it.

The salve melts upon contact. Immediately, it starts to work relieving inflammation. Within 2 minutes, a noticeable difference is being felt. A softening. That uptight knuckle? Softening. Grumpy knee? Softening. Unrelenting hip? Softening.

That. That's the gateway in. That's how we know it is possible to not have to live with pain. Relief is palpably obvious in their surprised, sometimes tearful faces.  And as for healing? The first step to healing is the paradigm shift.  Seeing that YES!!! alternatives do indeed exist opens a new path of possibility.    
Eight years and thousands of freely given salve samples later, the results haven't changed. But the frequency of them has grown, as more people than ever before are in chronic pain.   

It's rewarding to watch a doubtful, jaded person turn into a surprised and deeply moved being, significantly freer of unrelenting pain than they were just two minutes ago.  For me, there is no satisfaction greater than understanding that my healing journey has personally come full circle, and the wisdom gleaned from it is significant in the lives of others.  

Healing Arts, Craftsperson, Performer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Herbal Remedies - Happy Body Salve, Calm & Strong, Sweet Sleep, Peaceful Ease, Happy Lungs, Allergy Free
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