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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Buckler Shows, Deltona, FL

Member Since: August 15, 2005
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Deltona, Florida

Promoting successful Craft Fairs & Festivals since 1989!



  Largest promoter of INDOOR Craft Fairs in the state of Florida Promoter of 7 indoor/outdoor festivals yearly • We blitz the area with a multi-media advertising campaign Great locations Loyal following to our shows High probability of success for our exhibitors A standard of acceptance is required of all displays Adequate staff to assist throughout the show Free Parking (at most facilities) Early set up time No early break down permitted Free name badges for you and your helpers Hourly door prize for customers CUSTOMER DISCOUNT WITH YOUR BUSINESS CARD, MAIL OUT OR CANNED GOOD •


 Since 1989 Buckler Shows, Inc. has been working to maintain high quality craft fairs and festivals.  The success of Buckler Promotions, Inc. stems from our desire to put the vendors first.  We offer quality events, extensive advertising and personalized attention.  We pay extra attention to details.  It is our goal to partner with our vendors by doing everything possible to provide the best show we know how. Our promotional advertising budget is extensive as we endeavor to insure your success. A member of the Buckler family and/or their experienced staff are available at all fairs.

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All - Buckler, Buckler's, Crafts, Craft, Show, Fair, Festival, Fun, Family, Food
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