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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Built by Bees, Chamblee, GA

Member Since: May 2, 2018
Festival biz experience: 10+ years
Chamblee, Georgia

Built By Bees: Complementing Nature's Finest Work

Enjoy our award-winning gourmet honey food products. We're a USA company whose products contain 100% USA raw honey.

Customers enjoy our honey vinegars and honey mixers made with mead and apples. We offer a large selection of raw, whipped and infused honeys, well being honeys and honey butters.

Check us out at: and use coupon code “festivalnet” for $5 off your first order.


Web site / E-mail - ti∗∗∗ @
Social media
Gourmet Food, Wholesaler
Gourmet Honey, Honey Balsamic Vinegar, Infused Honey, Whipped Honey, Honey Butters, Honey Mustard
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