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The Burndown Brothers Blues Band, Phoenix, AZ

Member Since: April 10, 2019
Festival biz experience: 8+ years
Phoenix, Arizona
festival stages across the globe deserve precisely this kind of authentic dedication to real music”

The Burndown Brothers Blues Band is not your run-of-the-mill, fedora & cuban shirt-wearing "wasn't that a fun show, honey?" kind of blues band.

Showcasing a blazing two-guitar Texas-style blues attack, a thunderous rhythm section and powerhouse vocals, they live up to their namesake every show and burn the house down.  

So if you're ready for a fiery blues show that's full of groove, and you don't mind having your face rocked clean off your noggin, make some time to forget about your worries and get lost in a soul-scorching set from one of Phoenix's hottest blues acts . It's guaranteed to move you. 

Band, Musician, Performer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Blues Music - Blues Music Performances
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