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Center Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM

Member Since: October 12, 2005
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Founded in 1994, the not-for-profit organization CENTER supports socially and environmentally engaged lens-based projects through education, public platforms, funding, and partnerships.

Through our advancement of artists and their work, CENTER serves to deepen public understandings of lens-based media's complex history and ongoing cultural significance. Image-making holds a unique power to confront audiences with uncomfortable truths, advance cultural understandings, and promote social justice. By establishing trans-disciplinary partnerships between artists and justice-driven communities, historians, cultural critics, students, and the art world, we honor our unique role in advancing projects that respect all people, open minds, and engage our shared humanity.

Characterized by a community of gifted and committed photographers, CENTER has proven for the last 28 years that it can help photographers and lens-based artists grow into their full potential. By providing platforms where the creative impulse can be engaged and challenged, CENTER programs foster insights and actualizations that ripple and impact all involved.

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Photography, Non-Profit Organization - Photography, Non-Profit Organization, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Photo Awards, Photo Grants, Review Santa Fe, Portfolio Reviews, Call for Entries, Project Funding, Exhibition, Mentorship, Multimedia Storytelling Awards, Personal Awards, Social Awards, Environm
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