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Cast in Bronze

Member Since: August 8, 2013
Cast in Bronze
Cast in Bronze is the only musical act in the world that features the carillon, a medieval four-ton
instrument of bells played from a mechanical keyboard with fists and feet.
Cast in Bronze performed for several years at Walt Disney World's Epcot, was chosen to open the Mass
of Pope John Paul II in New York City's Central Park, and has appeared on the NBC Today show. For
the last two decades Cast in Bronze has been on tour at various music, art, and renaissance festivals
throughout the United States.
The Cast in Bronze show is performed by a silent and masked “Spirit of the Bells”. The creator of Cast
in Bronze is Frank DellaPenna, Master-Carillonneur graduate of the French Carillon School of
Tourcoing, France.
The mission of Cast in Bronze is to bring the haunting beauty of the carillon to more listeners by
demonstrating its versatility with other instruments. This objective has been accomplished through live
performances with live musicians, through his several recordings and solo performances accompanied
by musical tracks.
Frank and Anne DellaPenna recently constructed another traveling carillon and trained other musicians
to duplicate the performance. In addition, there is a third traveling carillon in the United States owned
by Chime-Master Systems Inc. of Lancaster, Ohio. The Cast in Bronze show has been performed on all
three instruments.
For more information and current schedule of performances, please visit the website:
Performer, Musician, Educator
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