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Celtic Craic Music Fest, Mechanicsburg, PA

Member Since: August 2, 2016
Festival biz experience: 11+ years
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Vendor Coordinator Phone: (717) 679-7349 Sponsorship Coordinator Phone: (717) 823-8781
An all ages music festival on September 10, 2016 in Harrisburg, PA. There will be 8 Celtic bands (traditional and rock) on two stages - Kilmaine Saints, **** Bearded Irishmen, Across the Pond, The Ogham Stones, Backseat Hooligans, Down by the Glenside, Wyndfall, and Dave Pedrick. Entertainment will also include

Lochiel Emerald Society Pipes & Drums, Carraig School of Irish Dance, and Rebel Heart Irish Dancers. There will be food and beer to purchase and we will also have a kids area and petting zoo.
This year we'll be offering on-site camping, and after 10 PM we'll be hosting a Campfire Ceilidh, where we'll light a bonfire & invite any acoustic musician to join some of the bands playing the fest that day to participate in a laid back Irish session.
The majority of proceeds will be given to American Heart Association to the local Heart Walk which is taking place on September 24 at the Giant Center in Hershey, PA. We will be doing a canned food drive with Central PA Food Bank at the festival.

$12 Early Bird Special available NOW!
* Kids 12 and under FREE
*Regular ticket price $15
*VIP tickets $20
*Group Rate is not available on the day of festival

$20 - VIP (general admission + 2 beers)
$15 - General Admission
$12 Online Group Rate (10 or more)
Camp site - $10
* Kids 12 and under FREE


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Celtic Music Festival - Celtic Music
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