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Jim Money, Author, Amarillo, TX

Member Since: February 24, 2014
Festival biz experience: 10+ years
Amarillo, Texas
Owner Phone: (325) 423-9985 Phone: (325) 423-9985
Organization of Vietnam veterans who collaborated on writing a book titled 'The Conflict That Was A War In Vietnam And At Home'. 19 Vietnam veterans describe some of their experiences in Vietnam and when they returned home. Kirkus Reviews states that the book is OPEN, HONEST, RAW, READABLE. Goals of the book were to reach veterans still hiding from the horrors of combat and to provide a record of some history. Group is in the process of making the book into an Audio Book. Furthermore, the group is writing a second book about the symptoms and affects of PTSD on veterans and their families. Proceeds from the sales help veterans programs.
Book; Audio Book (CD);
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