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Chickasha Area Arts Council, Chickasha, OK

Member Since: May 7, 2009
Festival biz experience: 17+ years
Chickasha, Oklahoma
Show Director Phone: (405) 274-7547 Exhibit Director Phone: (405) 274-7547 Food Director Phone: (405) 274-7547 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (405) 388-3038
The Chickasha Area Arts Council is a non profit organization to promote the arts in the community.
The 12th annual "ROCK ISLAND ARTS FESTIVAL" will be held October 2-4, 2020 in the historic Rock Island Depot, 100 E. Chickasha Ave, Chickasha, Ok.  See website for more details and applications.
Art Council/Guild, Festival/Event/Show, Children's entertainment
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Arts and crafts - Arts and crafts
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