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Corina Gallery LLC, Kent, WA

Member Since: October 20, 2022
Festival biz experience: 12+ years
Kent, Washington

Corina Bakke is a multi-faceted entrepreneurial artist – a licensed artist for the Frank Sinatra estate, featured painter for the Legacy Art Series at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and a Celebrity Artist. Known for her unique stylized expression of portraitures which enhance her clients' image.

Her popularity reached new heights when she became licensed by the Frank Sinatra Estate following Frank Sinatra's death. She created three unique portraits entitled, The Frank Sinatra Tribute Series which were showcased in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.  She was also a Salt Lake City Legacy Artist during the Winter Olympics that was brought on to paint Olympians and Former Olympians and create a hero piece to remain behind in the City of Salt Lake.


Corina has had exhibits and shows throughout the United States and has been the Celebrity artist at many events.

She has also been the featured artist in International Magazine (Art Expressions) for her work, and has been written up in National magazines, newspapers as well as featured on National and local Television stories.

Humanitarian Causes:

Corina was asked to join forces with endangered species spokesperson, Timothy Treadwell, of Grizzly People. She created a series that helped benefit harp seals and endangered grizzly bears, prior to Timothy Treadwell's passing.

The endangered species project captured the eyes of many unique musicians worldwide, which led to her being asked to create a series of the world's top deejay's that was shown in New York.

In addition, to her paintings and drawings, Corina's artwork is featured on elegant fabric, lighted frames and furnishings. She can create custom designs on multi-media for a beautiful living environment.

Corina has currently licensed her images out to several different companies for canvases and other products for sale in box stores and online. She rents her pieces for production work, television and film. She has custom originals available for sale online and upon request.

Her work is also available for philanthropic events upon request.

Artist, Artist-Crafter, Designer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Resin Charcuterie Boards, Surfboard Bottle Openers, Tropical art - Home goods, resin charcuterie boards, art, tropical art, home decor
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