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Creative Slingers of Ink, Greer, SC

Member Since: August 19, 2023
Festival biz experience: 2+ years
Greer, South Carolina

Creative Slingers of Ink Writing Group was founded by Mandy Jo Rindhage in 2023 as a way to inspire writers and bring together Indie Authors.

Group Purpose: This group is for writers of all levels. We are here to encourage you to write that first word or your next word. The intent of this group is for encouragement, networking, learning, and friendship.

The group will communicate in English, however, writers of all languages are welcome. You may find books that are written in a language other than English.

There will be periodic writing retreats and conferences. These will take place in the USA, for now. Speakers will come from within the group along with outside the group.

We support and encourage Indie Authors. 

What's an Indie Author? An Indie Author is one who self-publishes or publishes using a small press publisher.

Mission: Gathering together writers to help them achieve their writing goals.

Goal: Giving writers opportunities to help them achieve their writing goals and for them to help other writers along the way.

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books - books
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