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Dancing Beagle Art, Spokane, WA

Member Since: September 10, 2019
Festival biz experience: 9+ years
Spokane, Washington
Hand crafted woodwork wind chimes, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.  When I sell a bracelet, necklace we also donate a necklace to a local women's program.  The 3 programs we current donate to are Transitions for women, Anna Ogden Hall (UGM), and My Sister's closet.
da∗∗∗ @
Social media
Artist, Artist-Crafter, Other
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Stone, Wood, Semi Precious Stone, Glass, Upcycled (Windchimes) - Necklaces, Bracelets, Earrings, Windchimes, Woodwork
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