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Dr. J. MichaudBlaine, Dallas, TX

Member Since: January 10, 2010
Dallas, Texas

Abut Me:  I began in art when I was very young and was recognized as an artist when I was 8 years old.  I could always draw what I saw or from my memory and imagination--either of the three.  By 10 I was invited to go to the sixth grade classrooms to draw a mural for their bulletin boards.  Little did I know I was a talent.  I just did the jobs to make the people happy.

As I progressed through public school, I took art in the 7th grade and was a success.  Again, I did not realize this was of any importance.  In college, I took all my electives in art and ended up certified to teach art in the public school systems in Texas.  Before it was overwith, I have a draft of a text for beginner artists, and lots of experience at building stage sets and parts for just about anything the school I worked in wanted in the after school hours.

Finally, I retired and could devote my time to being an artist.  I started doing landscapes on miniature wood pieces and went back to working on canvasses.  I have shown many times in the Dallas Bathhouse Cultural Center.  Each time I show, I donate one or two items of art for their silent auction.  I also worked in a show at the Lakewood Methodist Church site for the Lakewood Art show as well as the north Dallas Fine Arts Festival at the Shearith Israel Synagogue.  I mostly paint stills, landscapes, and animals in the wild along with a few charcoals of one of my cats.  They are filled with antics and life.  I jsut have to be fast with the charcoal before they move too much.

I secret admirer sponsored me in a three month jewelry making class detailing the use of copper and silver

I look forward to my relationship with FNO.

Artist, Artist-Crafter
colored pencils, acrylics, wa tercolor, charcoal
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