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Dragon Dogs, Mesa, AZ

Member Since: January 17, 2011
Mesa, Arizona

Dragon Dogs is a hot dog vender serving delicious all beef Hebrew National hot dogs and sausages. We serve not only regular hot dogs, but also specialty hot dogs such as Chicago Dogs, Southern Style Slaw Dogs, New York Style Hot Dogs and our very own "Fire Breathing Dragon Dog". We're so proud of how good our hot dogs taste, we even sign them (as you can see from our photo)! If you don't think hot dogs would fit your festival, we also have an ice cream cart to serve delicious ice cream novelty treats to your event goers and coming soon - LEMON SHAKE UPS!!


Our personell are always clean, friendly and professional. The items we serve are always fresh and delicious.

Food Vendor
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Hot Dogs, Ice Cream, Fruit Shake Ups - Hot Dogs, Polish Sausages, Chips, Danish, Water, Soda, Sports Drinks, Ice Cream, Fruit Shake Ups
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