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Earlywine Park YMCA, Oklahoma City, OK

Member Since: September 9, 2019
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Show Director Phone: (405) 378-0420
Earlywine Park YMCA Arts and Craft Fair. Non-profit.  The event is free and open to the public.  If interested in renting booth space please let us know.  It's tax deductible and all fees benefit the Youth and Family Department.  We usually have around 50+ booths.  Our community is fabulous.  We have so many people with talents and personal businesses.  We would like to help showcase these individuals and the many different items they make.  If you are interested in finding amazing and unique items and/or gifts this would be the place to come.  If you are interested in finding out more about personal home businesses then this is your place too.  It has everything for everybody.  See you there.  You can contact Angie at 405-290-5023.
Craftsperson, Festival/Event/Show, Event Organizer
Craft, Fair, handmade, personal business, community, baby, masks, women, men, jewelry, holiday, fall, handmade,
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