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Earth Mother Apothecary and Wellness Center, Charlton, MA

Member Since: September 22, 2009
Festival biz experience: 16+ years
Charlton, Massachusetts
Earth Mother Apothecary and Wellness Center is about all things herbal...lotions, salves, herbal medicines and a whole lot more. We make these things for our own family and decided that we shouldn't keep all of these goodies to ourselves, but to share them with you. We believe also in the body's ability to heal itself, Reiki sessions are one way of helping your body to heal naturally. Natural products and energy healing can come with pretty hefty price tags. Our goal is to make health and wholesome, natural products within everyone's reach.
Craftsperson, Healing Arts, Festival Goer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Herbs, oils, essential oils - Herbal goodies, lotion, cream, salve, tinctures, reiki
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