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Erica Lynn Garley

Member Since: September 11, 2014
My business provides flavored butter all made with light olive oil some with organic ingredients. My flavors are Roasted Garlic Tomato,Red Chili,Green Chili, Brown Sugar Bacon,Cinnamon Sugar, Honey Pecan, Seasonal Flavors Pumpkin Spice, GingerBread, Mixed Berries & Apple Spice. All my flavored butters can be used to cook or bake with. Some suggestions for the savory butter are to cook with steaks, chicken, shrimp,scrambled eggs,pasta, vegatables or to use as a spread for bread, tortillas,crackers,baked potatoes,corn on the cob or any of your own recipes. Suggestiosn uses for my sweet flavored butter are to make baked goods like cookies & cakes or use as a spread on bread, crackers,waffles, pancakes, or any of  your own recipes.
Food Vendor, Festival/Event/Show, Retailer
Flavored Butter made with light olive oil
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