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Essance, Portland, OR

Member Since: December 19, 2012
Festival biz experience: 14+ years
Portland, Oregon
Essance is a woman powered company based inn Portland, Oregon. All of our products are handcrafted in small batches for freshness, using carefully selected botanical ingredients. We understand that your health is your top priority, so all of our products are infused with herbal extractions and essential oils specifically selected for their powerful healing properties. Our goal is to have people all around the world feeling confident and embracing their natural beauty as they strive forward with life's daily challenges. At Essance, we have your beauty interest at heart by delivering a difference in the way you feel about your skin.
Healing Arts, Wholesale Crafter, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Handmade Organic Skincare, Body Care, & Aromatherapy - Facial & Body Cremes, Massage Oils, Perfumes, Scrubs, Masques, Mineral Powders
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