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Fatima's Ear Candy, Charlotte, NC

Member Since: October 23, 2011
Charlotte, North Carolina
Well, a funny thing happened on the way to the office... Can you say business closure?

Being a mother of 3 can be scary, but it's horrifying without employment. Through it all, I believe God changed my circumstances to change me. He basically turned me over on my head and left me there until I was willing to embrace the change that was staring me in the face.

Now, my mom didn't raise a slouch and my 4 year olds Birthday list was not getting any smaller. To top it off, my 11 year old chipped his tooth by slipping on a toy in the bathroom, just when my benefits were coming to an end. It soon became clear I needed to either have a break down or think outside the box and make lemonade from lemons.

I said to myself, 'Self, you have goals, aspirations, and bills up the wazoo. Something's gotta give!" With prayer and supplication, I made my request known and God had a clever way of answering.

Enter, Fatima's Ear Candy!

God certainly has a since of humor and I'm certain this is just the beginning of what he has for me. My goal is to grow where I'm planted and do everything as unto God. I sincerely hope you enjoy your shopping experience as well as become a walking billboard for Fatima's Ear Candy. Happy shopping!

Fatima Oliver
Fashion Jewelry $10 and under
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