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Franks' Jewelry Repair-Sales, Clearwater, FL

Member Since: March 13, 2016
Clearwater, Florida
Phone: (727) 512-1953 Admin Phone: (727) 421-6060
I had my own crown and bridge lab for 21 years and during that time and since 1970 I have been casting, fabricating, and repairing gold, silver, Victorian and costume jewelry. I create a lot of rings, mounting stones, making pendants, carving bakelite, and anything I can recreate from vintage pieces.
Jeweler, Festival/Event/Show, Retailer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
silver, gold, costume jewelry, vintage/victorian/art deco - Silver, gold, Costume Jewelry, vintage/victorian/art deco, photography prints, Fast Fingers Speed Kits
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