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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .


FunDIff, Cleveland, OH

1 Minute Speed Sketches!

details: Speed Sketchers go about drawing caricatures differently than most artists. We draw fast. Really fast. We can draw around 200 people in 3 hours fast. We can stroll or sit and come with a giant teardrop banner sign with a timer on it and encourage guests to time us and look over our shoulder. Nobody else in the world can or will do anything like this!

Jugglers, Stiltwalkers and Other Weirdos!

details: Roving, busker-style street juggling and shows. Also stilt walkers, contact jugglers, hoola hooping girls, strong men, sword swallowers, whips, fire, glass eating, etc... you name it, we'll find it!

Authentic Santa! - and other characters

details: Our santa is about as authentic as you will find anywhere! Other characters are available.

Balloon Sculpture Artist and Comedian

details: Our balloon sculptor is seriously one of the most professional performers I know of. Constantly creating a genuinely funny and witty banter on with everyone while whipping up creative balloon designs for people at lightning speed, even while strolling!

Face and Body Painters

details: Our talented face and body painters are some of the most creative artists around

Nostalgic Silhouette Artists

details: Our silhouette artists can cut out or draw quickly and mount the silhouette on a custom background for your event

World Record Card Throwing Magician!

details: Rick holds the Guinness world record for card throwing and he can entertain your guests by showing off his skills. He also does strolling party magic and comedy as well as large stage shows that will blow your mind. Rick is a WORLD CLASS entertainer who will amaze you and make you laugh

Live Event Scenery Painters and other artists

details: Artists can come and paint your event while guests watch and interact with them. Portrait and mural artists also available

LETS ALL COLOR! Coloring activities for groups

credits: This is a finished project from a promotion at a museum. Over 200 people helped color it. Each one signed their name around the border. Projects can be larger or smaller. This one was 4'x3'. Projects can be mailed so you can set them up yourself

Eclectic Musical Performers

details: Didjeridoo, jazz, vaudeville, classical, bagpipes, folk, bluegrass, americana,blues, rock


details: iCaricatures and iSilhouettes are drawn digitally. They can be done while roaming as well. Stationary setups can be projected onto a wall or monitor. Prints are available but all drawings are stored online for download by the participants

A typical 60 Second Caricature sketch from a festival

details: Adam drew this caricature in under a minute.