HOLI SMOKES was created in order to generate a sustainable, truly enjoyable and communally encouraged way for people to receive the maximum benefits from essential plant life. Finally, we have the technology that enables us to take the next step in co-evolution between humans and plants. HOLI SMOKES Organic Vaping Tonic™ Liquids are wholesome, organic and intended for people to enjoy as a lifestyle choice. They provide a high value alternative to those who smoke tobacco or consume other recreational products derived from plant extracts, e.g. coffee, wine or nicotine vapes.
Every Vaping Tonic™ Liquid is comprised of scientifically tested and formulated organic flavors, technically called 'terpenoids.' Using proprietary methods, these flavors are processed with 100% certified organic vegetable glycerin. Our vaping liquids have no nicotine, synthetics, cannabis or drugs.
Our fragrant, flavorful Vaping Tonic™ liquids are made to be dripped into a tank, cartridge or drip tip of a personal vaporizer. Our herbal flavors are certified organic, FDA approved and taste truly amazing. Users may also add their own VG or PG based tinctures in equal ratio to a Vaping Tonic™ Liquid. We offer various customized Starter Kits which include a long lasting, rechargeable vaping pen and made-to-spec, top quality food-grade cartridge system with powerful atomizer.