Happy Accidents, Port Washington, NY
Happy Accidents - "unique teasures and family heirlooms" - is my company name and my life philosophy. Whether it's a piece I'm working on or a life issue and the outcome is not what I expected, I look at it as a challenge rather than a problem or a mistake. I try to find creative ways to solve the challenge, and more often than not, the end result is better than I expect...a Happy Accident!
I have an online shop www.happyaccidents10.etsy.com. I try to display all of my work there for sale, but some special pieces get saved for craft fairs because they have to be seen to be truly appreciated.
I have an AA in Studio Arts and have been creative my whole life. I encouraged my 2 children to explore any creative avenue that was available to them, and they are now 2 very different, but creative young adults.