High Country Skincare, Colorado Springs, CO
High Country Skincare makes natural moisturizers for dry skin, handcrafted in Colorado Springs, Colorado with all-natural ingredients. It is specially formulated to combat itchy, flaky, dry skin that comes with living in a semi-arid climate. Ask any native and they'll tell you all about dry skin!
“High Country Skincare started its life as Colorado Creme, and it was created out of desperation. Moving from humid Florida to semi-arid Colorado had made my skin rebel. I was dry, itchy, and flaky! I'd put lotion on, only to discover that I needed more half an hour later. My rather minor case of eczema went full-blown.
Drugstore moisturizers either irritated my skin or didn't last, and I couldn't pay $$$ for moisturizers. I was on a budget! I needed a natural moisturizer for dry skin. So, being an intrepid DIYer, I decided to make my own. My first attempts came out too greasy or too light. After some research and a year of experimenting, I came up with a formula that I liked! I tested it on my family and friends and they all agreed. It really worked! I use only natural ingredients and essential oils—no perfumes or irritating chemicals.
I gave my creme as gifts, and my friends raved about it. One convinced me to set up a booth at a holiday craft fair. I gave out samples and sold out of nearly everything. That decided it for me. People really wanted my lotion. Soon I was getting comments about how my lotions and creams was benefiting individuals with sensitive skin especially. In fact, you can read some of their testimonials here.
It seemed like everyone who tried it loved it, and so we decided to make it a business. I started making lotion in my kitchen in 16-ounce batches and now, 4-gallon batches are the norm. We sold at local craft fairs and Colorado stores for several years. Now, we have so much interest from stores all over the West, we have changed our name and brand to go national!”
~Ellen Johnson, creator