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Home Fields, Inc., Alpharetta, GA

Member Since: December 18, 2005
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Alpharetta, Georgia
cell Phone: (404) 664-4411
Stadiums have unique 3-D effect from a short distance, i.e. intended for shelf or bookcase. More than 165 different stadiums, each in 3 sizes--9, 13 and 19 inches wide--and lighted in a handsome display case. College and pro football, baseball, hockey and college basketball. Ken Small, president and founder of Home Fields, is a former marketing directory for the Miami Dolphins following his sports writing days at The Miami Herald. He writes colorful history of each stadium for the back of the piece.
Web site / E-mail - ks∗∗∗ @
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Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter, Retailer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Printed image on pressure-sensitive paper applied to MDF in 3 different thicknesses - 3-D replica football, baseball stadiums
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