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Hornet Craft Expo, Seneca, MO

Member Since: April 19, 2018
Festival biz experience: 7+ years
Seneca, Missouri
We are Hornet Christian Church and a year ago we wanted to pull our small community together. What better way than a craft fair. All table fees go to help our women's ministry and our community. The Hornet Craft Expo is happening on September 29, 2018. The day begins at 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. If you're a vendor and would like more information or an application, contact Pam Ward and I'll send you the information needed. If you would like to check out the crafts, then join us. We're Hornet Christian Church and we are located at 7283 Coyote Drive in Seneca, MO. Come see us at the Hornet Craft Expo in September! Can't wait to see you!
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