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Howdy Hides, Cartersville, GA

Member Since: November 25, 2022
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
Cartersville, Georgia
Hides: Cow, Sheep, Goat, Rabbit, Reindeer, Muskrat, Coon, Calf; and Handmade Home Decor and Body Accessories Using Hides. Attendees are educated about how to buy a hide: what to ask for, what to look for, etc., so they don't end up with a chemically-treated one that doesn't last.
Web site
Social media
Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Leather, wood, metal, hair-on hides, canvas (cotton), - Cowhides, sheepskin, reindeer, calf, rabbit, racoon, muskrat, handmade, body apparel, home decor, bracelets, earrings, bags, purses, wallets, credit card holders, key chains, key FOBs,
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