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Jans' Original Jewelry, Sandy, UT

Member Since: November 30, 2017
Festival biz experience: 17+ years
Sandy, Utah
Hi -

My name is Jan Pearson, and I am the owner of "Jan's Original Jewelry".

My main focus is wrapping stones (Turquoise, Crysocolla, Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian, Shattucke, Amber, Adventurine, Jasper (all kinds - including honeybee Jasper); etc., etc. etc.

I wrap with sterling silver, and include sterling silver necklaces.  My gold wraps are "gold filled" as are the necklaces.   

I was taught wrapping by some hippies, but learned the most at Rockpick Legends in Utah.  You can email me at the above listed site if you are interested in any types of stones.

I wrap male stones in a "leather look a-like"; I don't believe in using leather, and tie them with 2 slip knots.  I also have some Moldavite if people are interested in this unusual stone.

Hope to hear from you!  This website is a work in progress.  Call me at 801-576-8481 with any questions.  I will be at several festivals this year and hope to see you there.  "There" is where you can get a better idea of my jewelry; touch it; feel it; wear it! 

Event Venue, Business Services Provider, Designer
Stones (authentic) sterling silver, gold filled wire
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