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Jaylyns' Closet, Sumter, SC

Member Since: May 29, 2015
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Sumter, South Carolina
Jaylyn's Closet was started in January 2010 after the birth of my granddaughter, (Jaylyn).  Her mother did not like the Velcro bibs sold, which got caught on everything in the laundry. I start making bibs that tied.  Many of our friends love the idea and I start receiving orders for bibs.  One night God put into my spirit not to start a business but a ministry of art of crafting.  I took my vision to my church family and received their blessing, thus the ministry began.  It was named JAYLYN'S CLOSET after my granddaughter because she was the youngest member of the church.  Many have learn various art of crafting  in the church and community through this ministry.  I started doing festival to sell the items the  students made but now I only sell my items. Today, I still teach anyone interested in learning the art of crocheting, knitting, floral arrangement sewing, quilting and/or any other form of arts and crafts.  Thru my crafting I have been able to sponsor youths on retreat and various trips.  We welcome special orders for your SPECIAL OCCASIONS in your favorite colors.Orders Over $50 free shipping in USA.  Thank you for your support and patronage.
Craftsperson, Festival/Event/Show, Green/Environmental Services
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
crochet knit sewn beaded - hats-scraves-throws-babybibs-quilt-handbags blanket
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