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K9 Kandles, Ozark, MO

Member Since: July 28, 2009
Festival biz experience: 7+ years
Ozark, Missouri
Hello! My name is Patti Mitchell. I'm the owner of K9 Kandles I'm an independent distributor of the best gourmet candles you'll ever burn, Mia Bella, produced by Scent-sations, Inc. 

  • Our candles are triple scented and last from the first light to the bottom of the jar.
  • Virtually no soot (no black stuff on the jar, your walls, or in your lungs)
  • Clean up with soap and water
  • Produced in the USA in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania using a palm wax blend.
We offer over 90 fragrances so there is a little something for everyone's taste, including our exclusive signature scent: Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper.

Commercial Vendor, Retailer, Wholesaler
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Business Opportunity - Gourmet Candles
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