Kamp Kreatures Puppets, Mechanicsville, VA
Kamp Kreatures Puppets has gained recognition by performing thousands of live shows to millions of children and their families throughout the East Coast for over 15 years. The Kamp Kreatures shows have performed in prestigious arenas such as the National Theater in Washington, DC, the Governor's Mansion in Virginia, many festivals & fairs including Virginia and Kentucky State Fairs as well as appearing on PBS in Central Virginia and presently airing to 5 million viewer on the *TBN television network.
Kamp Kreatures has 5 different travelling puppet theater set-ups and many different shows. Their most popular stage is their 12 foot wide and 14 foot high outdoor cabin stage with built in lighting and special effects. All their shows are wholesome and extremely interactive family shows. No crowd is too large for our 3 ft. tall puppet characters with our high quality sound system.