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Rainbow Warrior Krystal'Z

Member Since: February 9, 2016
Festival biz experience: 13+ years
I began working with crystals for jewelry, necklaces and earrings, and then progressed to faceted leaded crystals that catch the sun, turning each into a unique sculpture of Light, Frequency and Energy.

I call my art, "Rainbow Warrior Krystal'z" because there are prophecies from ancient cultures including Zuni and Hopi, that when Mother Earth most needs us, People of ALL ages, races and creeds will UNITE in order to create a better World for ALL!!!

It is my intention that when the Light hits these crystals, the Rainbows will remind US that WE are The HERO's of OUR OWN LIVES, and WE have a Moral Obligation to SAVE OURSELVES and OUR WORLD! Let US allow Right Action to flow through US, and be Awake and Aware of the ramifications of OUR just over broke jobs that keep us enslaved in this false paradigm where profit is valued above the very individuals Who create it!

May WE ALL open to the greater Life Force within, stepping into Moral Stewardship through Honorable Defense.

skype: karensqt1
Artist-Crafter, Performer
drilled crystal's, wire, spinners, beading thread, sterling ear wires
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