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Knives of Flint, Spring, TX

Member Since: November 2, 2010
Spring, Texas

Self-taught flintknapper Stacy Reeves of Spring, Texas, began to learn to knap flint, i.e. making arrowheads like the Native Americans did, in 2001.  Having converted tons of rock into gravel, and after countless Band-Aids, he has perfected the art of flintknapping, replicating what the Ancients did.  Many modern souls have a desire to reconnect with their ancient roots... and flint tools are the perfect outlet.   Hunters of today are now replacing their steel knives in favor of the superior flint blade.  Discovering, or RE-discovering, that flint is sharper and holds an edge much longer than steel.  Besides selling quality crafted knives and sheaths, he gladly gives demonstrations of flintknapping, turning a fragment of rock into a useful tool while educating those who watch into the many aspects of the art.

Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter, Educator
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Blades are knapped from various flints or agates, and the handles are made of deer antler or stone. - Flint knives for deer hunters to use in the field or for collectors of Native American art & decor. Accessories include knife stands and leather knife sheaths enhanced with beaded horsehair tassles.
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