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Kozy Pillow, Hayden, ID

Member Since: November 1, 2018
Festival biz experience: 16+ years
Hayden, Idaho
We make Kozy Pillow, the original microwave heating pad. We have been making and selling these for over 25 years. 

Kozy Pillows are original, in that we don't use rice, flax, seeds, pits, or husks to fill them with. We have discovered a better way! A filler that produces 'moist" heat, and lasts much longer than traditional fillers. Corn! Yep. we created machinery to filter, clean and sterilize agricultural feed corn (no, it's NOT popcorn) which produces a therepuetic, moist heat that penetrates aches and pains much more effectively. It also tends to resist rotting, burning and smelling bad like more traditional "dry" fillers can do.

The concept originated originated many years ago, with the early settlers. When the wagon trains circled for night, the travelers would heat dried feed corn, that was used to feed the horses and livestock, in burlap sacks on the rocks surrounding the campfire. Then, they stuffed them into their bedrolls to warm them during the night.

Today, you simply heat Kozy Pillow in your microwave for about 2 minutes, and enjoy therepuetic, moist, penetrating heat. Kozy Pillow is wonderful for soothing joint pain, sore muscles, cramps, stress & chills.

Kozy Pillow produces a slight, pleasant "popcorn" aroma when heated, and will stay warm for hours under the covers. And, since no electricity is used, your Kozy Pillow is completely safe to fall asleep with.
Craftsperson, Artist-Crafter
microwave heating pads
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