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Lady in the Moon Treasures, Oklahoma City, OK

Member Since: November 4, 2012
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Owner Phone: (405) 919-6264
Lady in the Moon Tresures is a collection of one of kind items. Jewelry, Purses, gift boxes, home made cards, holiday decorations. Unique ialtered items, antique toys, and some things with a whimsical touch as well. Every item comes with a "it must make you happy" guarantee!
Event Organizer, Artist-Crafter, Antiques/Vintage
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
beads, chyrstals, wire, paper,wood, fabric, metal, mesh, styrofoam, feathers, cardboard, and plastic. - purses,totes,jewelry(bracelets,earrings,necklaces,watches,rings,jewelry sets-necklace,earrings and bracelet, wreaths,center pieces, cake plates,gift boxes,wooden trinket boxes, decorative items,greeting cards,party decorations,vintage toys and games,
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