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Logan County Art League, Bellefontaine, OH

Member Since: June 25, 2009
Bellefontaine, Ohio
The purpose of the Logan County Art League is to create  an environment for the advancement of visual arts through education, demonstration, exhibition, workshops, hands-on participation and other activities.  It is the League's intention to nurture artists, to provide a facility for art activities and to grow interest in the visual arts among the general population.

Logan County Art League maintains a gallery which displays artwork of the members.  It host two art shows: Art on the Harbor at Oldfield Beach which is held in August and Winter Art Faire which is held in November.  Both art shows are open to the participation of all area artists.
Festival/Event/Show, Artist-Crafter, Gallery
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
All types of visual arts including painting, ceramics, jewelry, gourd craft and other - Original Artwork and Fine Crafts
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