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Los Altos Rotary Club, Los Altos, CA

Member Since: November 14, 2006
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Los Altos, California
Every year the Rotary Club of Los Altos holds its annual fundraiser, Fine Art in the Park, to benefit local and selected charities. This annual showcase of artists from Los Altos and around the world is considered one of the most prestigious art shows in the state. This year's Fine Art in the Park will highlight more than 165 fine artists and craft-workers. More than 60 new artists join returning favorites for two days of sunshine and festivities, including live music from local jazz, blues and rock artists, complimented by a variety of food, wines and beers.
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Paintings, Photography, ceramics, sculptures - Paintings, Photographs, ceramics, sculptures, fine art
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