First I am a creator of upcycled artist/crafter, using primarily vintage items. Within the past months we have launched slowly into coordinating small events focused on primarily women owned/locally run businesses. Because that is who we are.
Our niche market will be diverse but small events- staying at 30-100 vendors based events that are themed but focused on supporting local small businesses that thrive on networking.
The coordinator has over 20 plus years in non profit, and a degree in the holistic field. In which she has had events tailored to that field of interested and helping people in and to return to, the community to work and grow in a positive manner.
The focus right now is to get familar with coordinating niche events, network and all challenges that arise as the business takes on new directions. Luxen Vixen intends to create our art while using that creativity to launch themed events that re occur a few times a year. Currently we are working on our third event for 2018!
We welcome you to join us in establishing ourselves as a heart centered business which works on themed niche events in Kentucky.