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MN Wellness Educators

Member Since: March 18, 2012

Max Ventures, LLC is a company I just started to work on offering more CEU courses and corporate wellness programs. AKA MN Wellness Educators and Holistic Ways To Wellness.  We have partnered as independent associates with Max Interntaional due to the exclusive science they have in Glutathione Ehancement. 

Glutathione is the bodies #1 Antioxidant and only 1 of 4 our body makes naturally, and found in each and every cell.  Scientists have known about this vital antioxidant for hunderds of years, but there has been no way to significantly increase levesl, until NOW.

Dr. Herbert Nagasawa spent 40 years studying Glutathione at the University of Minnesota and MN VA Hospital. His patent delivery system RiboCeine can get the precusors our body needs to make more of its own natural Glutathione, through the GI tract and inside the cell where our body needs it to make more.

This is a huge scientific  breakthrough being compared to the discovery of the Poli Vaccine and has wide reaching health benefits. Supplements cannot treat disease, but when we give our bodies what it needs it has an innate ability to repair itself.

Scientists have linked low Glutathione levels to HIV, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Autism, ALS, Parkinson's and the over 70 diseases related to inflammation.

Dr. Nagasaw took his science to Max International and in October 2011 Cellgevity was launched. This is the Ultimate in Glutathione Enhancement, currently under study at a major medical university and predicted to top the original formulation MaxGXL that could raise Glutathione levels 276% in 90 days. Those of us taking Cellgevity have noticed improvements in 3-5 days.

The benefits of increasing ones Glutathione levels include;

more energy, recover faster from exercise, sleep better, greater mental clarity and focus, less inflammation, improved joint function, better immune system, increased longevity and quality of life.

Every one need Cellgevity.

Other Exhibitor, Educator, Healing Arts
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Skin Care demos - Glutathione Enhancing Supplements/Anti-Aging Skin Care
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