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Metal & Wood Creations, Cookeville, TN

Art is

posted March 2, 2009

Art is one of those things like Life. People say "Life is this or that" and "Art is a thing like this or that". It all truly is what you make of It. Because nothing is ever what it appears, nor is it otherwise.

My passion is to leave the world a better place than when I got here. My main focus is to enable social business. Which is more about doing good work and the happiness of my clients, rather than an "artsy-fartsy"ego.


by stivmackey, posted March 11, 2009 it all! How to plug into that? Just let me know.
by kneff, posted March 11, 2009

...and you are so right! May I quote you? "Life is...this or that" could join my 'Words of Wit and Wisdom' collection on Barnwood -with your blessing of course! Kathleen/ inNOVAtions Studio
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Art is

posted March 2, 2009
Art is

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