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Michelle Wreaths and More, Albuquerque, NM

Member Since: September 9, 2021
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Home Made Wreaths for all holidays and special events, and centerpieces. I make stuff for fun and to help make your inside or outside of your home beautiful, make centerpieces for parties or for your dining table or anywhere you want to have a display. Made to order or you may also reach out to me to see what I have made for a special holiday, season, sports, or just want a welcome sign to invite people into your home.
Artist-Crafter, Festival/Event/Show, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Mesh, Tull, wire, other decorations, metals and more - You can buy what I have made or made to order if you have a special request
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