The Midnight Train Blues Band serves up a solid mix of classic Chicago Blues in the styles of Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf and Little Walter, plus an energizing array of dance tunes and fun jams representing some seriously misspent youths. It's not all blues but it's all fun!
We bring a fullness of spirit to the music which touches people. They sing, laugh and dance a lot. Spontaneous dancing and random acts of coolness are always breaking out at our gigs.
We are playing at clubs, dances and open air events in Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula, we've appeared at FolkLife in Seattle, and we host a monthly Blues Jam in Port Townsend.
Each of us brings decades of experience and talent to a professional, fun presentation: "Chicago Bob" Longmire, guitar, harmonica & vocals. Barb "Lulu" Dawson, keyboards & vocals. "Captain Glen" Hellman, bass & vocals. Russ Lowry, percussion.
Video samples, artist bios, press releases and more can be found on our web page: