Happy Holidays! From Now until the New Year, our staff will have limited office hours. Time-sensitive and order-related emails will take priority; we appreciate your patience! Happy New Year!
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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .
Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .


Our Hearts Desire- New York, Ny., Far Rockaway, NY

Digital Catalog for 2014

By Our Hearts Desire- New York, Ny., Posted April 18, 2014
Here are all the products available that has been added for the 2014 line. Feel free to view and should you need any of these products please visit my page for purchase.
File name: OHD-Catalog-Spring-2014-.pdf
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Why Desiderata?

By Our Hearts Desire- New York, Ny., Posted April 18, 2014
Here is where you can read about my product Desiderata. It has been considered one of the best hair and skin products in our market as it is 95% natural and all the ingrediants are listed on the pack attached. It is for all hair types and it has been proven that even individuals with eczema have nothing but good things to say. Videos can be seen on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/miracleslovelyjewelry
File name: DESIDERATAPresentationPak.pdf
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