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Myuniversalimages, Aztec, NM

Member Since: October 14, 2015
Festival biz experience: 10+ years
Aztec, New Mexico
Owner Phone: (505) 215-9638

For the love of our Western Landscape. Although I've lived many places, the Southwest is in my heart. Photography is my passion, I've been doing it for 26 years. My background includes AP, Studio, Portraiture and Sports which has had an inspirational and insightful impact into capturing subjects in the right light. I was one of the ones that made it into the digital era! Been working with Photoshop for the past 13 years. I use large format cameras capturing the exposure at high resolution. I print all my own work on Canvas (Gallery Wraps and museum Wrap). I work with various types of mixed media, using layers and different filters. My love is Landscape photography because, the light cannot be manipulated or artificially created. I usually have to either wait or run when photographing Landscape (prayer is essential ). Untainted Landscape Photography is becoming more difficult, as our population increases and the need for housing, power lines and all other man made necessities expand. Thus making it more cherished and appreciated when it naturally flows together.

We offer high quality Landscape prints on exhibition Canvas. Our Canvas Prints are sprayed with Satin UV Clear Coat x2 and can be displayed in direct sun light. All Gallery Prints can be purchased in Custom sizes and printed on Fine Art Papers To Include: Exhibition Fiber, Cold Press, Hot Press and Natural Press.
We offer Photo Restoration and Giclees Printing. Commissioned Photography Assignments are always welcomed.
We look Forward to meeting new friends!
Artist-Crafter, Photography, Artist
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Photography, Mixed Media, Gallery Wraps, Fine Art Printing, Canvas Wraps, Restoration,Gilclees - Gallery Wraps, Fine Art Printing, Custom Printing
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